16th DIA Conference on European Electronic Document Management

16th DIA Conference on European Electronic Document Management

Montrium's President and CEO, Paul Fenton, will be presenting a session titled "Facilitating interactions, integration and interchange of clinical trial documentation between sponsors and CROs".

To view Paul session, please see the DIA website for the full program of sessions. If you would like to meet with Paul down at the conference, please feel free to email [email protected]

Event Info:

The only conference focused on Electronic Content Management that brings together both regulatory agencies and industry to discuss the shift away from paper documentation.

Sessions and speakers provide a life cycle approach to discussing all aspects of content management from documentation writing, through internal and external reviews and submissions, its use in line-of-business applications, and ultimately to archiving.

Come and learn about the benefits and constraints associated with the question "how do we reduce our reliance on paper documents"

- Increase your network of interdisciplinary experts

- Come away with insights into the bigger picture of the issues at hand for eDM

- Increase your exposure to new technologies and ideas aimed at improving your everyday work

Program Sessions are still in development, however, Highlight Topics include:

- Integrating eTMF and enterprise content / document management

- Interoperability (e.g. eTMF with eTMF, eTMF with eDM, eTMF with data warehouse)

- eSubmission (eCTD 4.0)

- Portals, common repositories and gateways

- Maintenance of XEVMPD and labelling management

- Preparing for IDMP

- Outsourcing and Infrastructure

- CRO Integration of processes

- Outsourcing and Infrastructure

Not yet attending yet?

Register here! http://www.diaglobal.org/en/conference-listing/meetings/2016/05/16th-dia-conference-on-european-electronic-document-management#sthash.h4zMVK4s.dpuf