Following the success of last years combined EDM and ERS/eCTD event, this years conference continues to explore evolving global trends in e-records, systems and e-context in the Clinical and Regulatory space.

The rapid evolution of global electronic initiatives necessitates industry to continually assess internal processes to maximize content reuse and streamline efforts by pushing submission-ready and data standards farther upstream.

Dates: September 22-24th, 2014

Location: Washington, DC

The Montrium team will be exhibiting on site, showcasing their flagship document management platform Montrium Connect. In addition to exhibiting, Paul Fenton - President & CEO of Montrium will be presenting a piece on "Enabling the new drug development paradigm through collaboration and interchange". The abstract is detailed below:AbstractThe pharmaceutical industry is currently undergoing significant changes in how it conducts clinical R&D. We are seeing the emergence of smaller, more focused, agile virtual organizations led by proven professionals who are tasked to bring molecules to market faster and at lower cost. These organizations, by their virtual nature, need a new tool set to be able optimize collaboration with the network of different partners and stakeholders involved in the clinical development process. This session will focus on how technology can be leveraged to support these new virtual organizations.

There will be special focus on how new technology can collaboration and sharing of regulatory and eTMF content amongst stakeholders to facilitate information interchange, process control and collaboration. We will also look at the importance of adequate interchange standards when working with networked organizations and multiple content repositories. Finally we will explore some of the technological trends and how these will translate in opportunities for the future.We are at Booth #206 - Please stop by to meet the team